Starline Dishwashers

Product Description

The Starline M2C represents the latest step in 35 years of local design evolution and is a direct upgrade of our most popular passthrough dishwasher. As part of the Starline Professional Range it combines the best of modern technology with an uncompromising use of high quality components and heavy duty stainless steel construction. The result are machines that you can rely on for great wash results for many years to come.

Need more information on how the M2C can save money for you? Well, check this document out.

The Starline ALC is equipped with a powerful wash pump making it the perfect machine for fast paced kitchens that need a high-powered dishwasher designed to keep up with very busy operations. Use of steam to pre-heat the cold inlet water enables the ALC to reduce energy consumption, emissions and ventilation requirements, while also providing a cooler and drier operating environment.

The Starline M1C incorporates intuitive electronic controls providing soft wash start, eco power save system, easy to read temperatures for HACCP reporting, chemical pump adjustments and priming, cycle customisation, immediate fault diagnosis and many other options. Where space in a restaurant, cafe or aged care facility is at a premium, the M1C is a great solution.

Why Should You Consider Buying The Starline M2C Or ALC Dishwasher?

  • SEED certified Washtech C3 Condenser makes the M2C and ALC suitable for installation without an extraction canopy in most situations
  • The C3 Condenser is a full heat recovery unit which preheats cold water supply, significantly reducing the steam emissions and energy consumption
  • Self-cleaning jets located above the heat condenser ensure longevity of the unit.

What does SEED Certified mean?

SEED stands for Sustainability by Engineering, Environment by Design. It is an independent assessment and certification process that differentiates amongst the wide range of options available in New Zealand using local regulatory requirements as the benchmark. Rigorous testing of these dishwashers is completed to demonstrate and confirm that the heat unit is efficient enough to avoid the need for a separate extraction hood.

A dishwasher with integrated heat recovery is never going to be the cheapest option available; however, it can be expected to save you money on both installation costs (where avoiding a separate extraction canopy) and operating costs. They also have a much lower impact on the environment than a standard dishwasher.

Starline UL Undercounter Glasswasher Dishwasher
If you cannot accommodate a passthrough dishwasher, then we have a range of high performance and light duty Starline under-counter dishwashers which are extremely quick and effective. We also have a range of undercounter pot and warewashers from Starline.

Need something a little more stylish? View our range of premium undercounter glass washers which can be placed behind a counter for your customers to view and admire because they are that stylish! The come in a variety of colours and patterns will be a classy addition to your counter!

In addition to our extensive range of dishwashers, we also stock a range of dishwasher racks and the needed chemicals to go with them.

If you are not sure which dishwasher is the right one for you, give us a call at 0800 503 335 or email us at [email protected] and we will help you choose based on your needs.

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